Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Markets and websites

I'm sad to admit I have been neglecting my poor blog, but in my defence, it's only because I have been dedicating myself to the garden, selling produce and making a new website! Here's a little pic of me at the Maldon Market this week end, as well as a link to the new Malmsbury Kitchen Garden website.

As soon as I can work out how, I will redirect this page to the new website (which also has a blog (which has also been neglected...))


Friday, 8 November 2013

Another year, another season

Well, a whole year has passed since I started my little garden. It's been so exciting to see my dream slowly unfolding, and it's still only partially open at this stage. But look, I practically have a house now!

ooo, it's so cute

Saturday, 29 June 2013

The House Building Begins

After a long wait for the planning permit, building has finally started. It seems like the builders were really eager to get started because as soon as all the permits were in place, they jumped right into it.

They started on Tuesday, four days ago, and this is what it looks like now.