Friday 8 November 2013

Another year, another season

Well, a whole year has passed since I started my little garden. It's been so exciting to see my dream slowly unfolding, and it's still only partially open at this stage. But look, I practically have a house now!

ooo, it's so cute

I spent most of winter preoccupied with the house being built, and sadly neglected the garden. But as you can see, it's well and truly ready for the new season after a long week end of slashing, clearing and soil preparation. 

Just like last year, I'm starting later than I would have liked, but I learned a lot last season that will still make this season more productive. The direct sowing of beans, peas and curcubrits starts this week end, followed by tomato, capsicum and eggplant planting next week end.

I will still be preoccupied with the house for the next few months, but the garden can no longer be ignored. I can't wait to get back into it.